
If I decided to drop out of college, am I "doomed"?

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If I decided to drop out of college, am I "doomed"?




  1. well dude try ur very hardest to stay in the game playa! trust me if u wanna lose college that's ok lol it'll actually kinda funny watching ppl be hobo's!

  2. you can still make it but it will be harder without a good education and a degree

  3. Of course not.  There're many ways to make money, even good money, if you don't go to college.  The richest guy in my family never spent a day in college.  He sells cars.

    You can to one of those union/trade jobs like carpenter, electrician, plumber etc and make good money.  You can start your own business etc.  My sister colors hair and makes more money than me with my college degree.  BIl Gates dropped out of harvard.

    For my part, after much fussing and trying out several full time jobs, I decided I wanted the kind of job that college could get me.  I wanted to work with my mind rather than my hands and be in a place where my creativity would pay off for me.  I didn't want to take the responsability of starting my own business, I wanted the security of working for a large company.  And it was difficult to get this kind of job without going to college I found.  So that was my motivation to go back.

    I don't believe in forcing anyone to go to college if it's not the right path for them.

  4. No you are not doomed. But having a college degree opens a lot more doors. It also can be harder to go back to school once you start a family and things like that. But college isn't for everyone and it is not the end all to be all.

  5. unless u have really good entrepeunership (is that a word)

    skills or plan on becoming a musician...stay in school


  6. yes and no, Steve Jobs was a drop-out, i myself am have failed out of a Jr College.

  7. yup

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