
If I delete all my cookies and temporary internet files, will I lose contacts or anything important?

by  |  earlier

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When I look at my temporary Internet file, I get more than a little concerned. It goes back a year and a half and there are literally hundreds of files in it, most of them cookies. Could they be possible entrance points for viruses and such? If I delete all my cookies, will I lose any of my internet contacts? Will they lose me? I was also wondering if it would affect any of my bookmark lists. There are far too many to go through it manually, and the web page name often does not match the address, so I don't even know what is really listed half the time. Please help.




  1. no your book marks will be safe, if your concerned why not back them up in any case, always useful

  2. You may lose some passwords when you delete cookies if you auto-save them.  Bank card info as well.  Create an encrypted file to store this info if necessary and delete away!!

    I like to delete all useless files like these.  My computer runs much faster when it's not weighed down with useless files.

  3. Cookies/browsing history/temp files and others in there hogs space. You shouldn't let it max out and it does makes your pc run slower than usual if its full. Delete it when you get a chance.

    It wouldn't delete your email, contacts,or bookmarks.  For firefox its as simple as CTRL+SHIFT+DLT.

  4. Cookies, When you delete cookies it will erase every saved session you have on a website, Example... You log into Yahoo and delete your cookies restart your internet browser or refresh you will notice you will be logged out.

    temporary internet files, If you delete these you will notice that a web page you have viewed may be slightly slower this is because you have deleted all the files from that web page from your computer.

    Normally you can choose what you want to delete such as Browsing History, Download History, Save Form & Search History, Cache, Cookies, Saved Passwords, Authenticated Sessions (This is from FireFox)  

  5. No You wont.

  6. Of course will only delete unnecessary files not your contacts.

  7. You should delete your cookies when you finish. IT will not mess your settings.  

  8. USe CCleaner and Delete all your Temp Files and Cookies, their of no use

    No your Contacts will not be deleted.


    For all your computer and Technology Questions

  9. Good Q;

    No!! None of your contacts will be lost what will hap-n though,

    U need to go to the control panel an click "General tab"the 1st

    one and delete" Cookies, temporary internet files".

    Cookies R bad and hog lots of > Random} Access} Memory ( ram ).

    That will keep your Pc at top speed. Oh the first time after you clear

    those cookies etc. your boot is going 2 b alittle slow an even the first

    few pages that u surf ,  remember theres no more record on file sonce

    u go 2 them once u r back 2 normal, so if I were u I would hit my most invaluable hit them all once an your next boot ha haa that fresh boot feeling yea late.......

    PS; HEY GO HERE>>> HTTP://Major  that`s priceless 4 me an hope it will b 4 u also....

    Andrew J.

    aka; HevnsHelper    > FPS ONLINE ID MAY-B I`II C-YA MAY-B I WON`T .. Halla.....

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