
If I did bad in high school in my science classes, should I still consider a pre-veterinary major in college?

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I always disliked taking science classes in high school but I have a passion for animals. I know college is way different then high school, might I find biology/chemistry more interesting in college?




  1. No.

    You need too much remedial work in science and by your writing skills here also English and grammar.

    I did poorly in my high school science classes.  Could I consider a pre-veterinary  major in college?

    Major in sociology..............

  2. By ALL MEANS consider doing what you love to do! It will be the most rewarding event in your life and it will be there forever!

    Also Science will have an entirely different out look than hi-school did!

    GOOD LUCK!! ☺

    Doctor ?   ♂

    Experience is what we get when we don't get what we want,.....

  3. You will have to take a lot of science courses to be a vet.  In college they are usually more hands on but some of them are very dry and boring.  The good thing is that most of the courses will be biology related but you will most likely have to take 4 chemistry and 2 physics courses as well.

    If you are prepared to study very hard then go for it.  Most of your grades in college will come from exams and you may have only 3-4 per course.

    I would not go for a sociology degree... what can you do with that?

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