
If I didn't use my car...?

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What savings would result? As specific as possible please! Thanks!!!




  1. You would save on gas, auto insurance, maintenance (oil changes, tires, brakes), costs for cleaning the vehicle, registration and licensing fees, and in some states, property taxes.

  2. If you really don't use it you can have the driveshaft removed and your insurance rate would be that for a 'stored' car. That should save you about 70 percent on insurance alone. The average 'cost' to drive your own vehicle is about 55 cents a mile which covers gas, oil, other fluids and wear and tear. So just a 30 mile round trip to a movie takes $16.50 out of your pocket in 'hidden  expenses.' Since you are now walking you won't get 'fat' or flabby and your appearance and overall health will be much better. If you ride a bus you will be able to 'see' the scenery and may notice little shops and stores you would have never known existed. You also can 'guy watch' and be selective in your new relationships. If you store your car it MUST be started at least once a month and allowed to run at operating temperature for 30 minutes. From the added exercise your legs, thighs, hips and butt will be even more fantastic than they are now. What would you 'pay' for that? Oh, and also, you can SEE the guys running after you. Literally. LOL.                        8~)

  3. AAA has a pamphlet called "True costs of automobile ownership".   It basically says that a newer car costs between $6000 and $10,000 a year to own.  Think what you could do with that money.  I drove older cars, but when I moved to the city and didn't need a car, I saved thousands.  It easily paid for the difference in rent for renting in the city, and I got to live in a nice city instead of a tacky suburb.

  4. It would be like spitting in the ocean.  It would make absolutely no impact what so ever.

    Right now China is putting 1,000 new cars on the streets every day!  That number will certainly increase as China's wealth increases.

  5. a lot. think of the kids with lung problems. they need fresh air :]

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