
If I do 500 pressups a day for a week will I be noticeably more muscular or stronger by the end of the week?

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If I do 500 pressups a day for a week will I be noticeably more muscular or stronger by the end of the week?




  1. yes

  2. if you do...go hit the gym...cuz your genetically gifted

    otherwise wont at all

  3. Well, if you can, but if you can, aren't you already very muscular?

  4. No - It would probably take more than a week and you need to vary the exercises. Also, don't jump in straight away and start doing 500 a day, as you will strain yourself - Work up to that amount, if you don't already do sports/fitness training, etc.

    I would recommend trying martial arts, or fitness training, as you will then have a licensed instructor that knows what they are doing. It would probably take months for you to become NOTICEABLY muscular.

    Doing pressups would make your upper body stronger, and also slightly in the lower legs, I think.

    500 is a difficult regime, though...

  5. If you can actually do that many a day...then i guess it's a start. But things take time..and you wont see much, if any, change in the short space of a week. Try other exercises too, don't just stick to one thing, or you will look out of proportion.  

  6. I would ask for my money back if I wasn't.

  7. No. Building muscle and strength takes time.  

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