
If I do an access course can I go on to uni afterwards?

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I don't have many qualifications because I left school early because I got pregnant, I went back to do my english GCSE after i had my daughter and I did a one year business course. I was wondering if i did an access course could i go to uni after wards?




  1. Hello

    Access courses provide an alternative route to university, particularly if you’re a mature student (i.e. 21 or above at the start of your course except in Scotland where it is over 20) - see  

    As a starting point, have a look at this UCAS website for details on access routes, including a link to information on all the available courses: (go to access course search, then select the region in which you are interested).   The site also has FAQs – one refers to university recognition of access courses.  In addition, you’ll find more details on access courses at

    To find out more about entry requirements and application deadlines, see and  If you’re keen to study at a specific university, it’s also worth checking the relevant website for information but do contact the university admissions office directly to clarify specific queries.

    University websites will also have information on planned open days. Visit the universities of most interest if possible, to meet faculty staff and students and check out the facilities.  If this isn’t possible, try contacting individual departments such as the Faculty for course information, the Careers service for information on graduate employment prospects or the Students Union for information on facilities and student life in general.

    Another alternative may be supported open learning with The Open University (OU) where entry is by guidance not selection (i.e. A’ levels or access courses are not essential).   Have a look at  for information on courses and qualifications, funding and careers advice.  An Openings course ( may be of particular interest - these short courses provide an opportunity to sample a subject area while developing relevant study skills.  If you see courses of interest, an adviser from your region can help you select the most appropriate study pathway; see  for contact details of your regional centre - staff in Student Services will be happy to help you.  

    Thinking ahead to career opportunities with a degree, you may find it useful to check out the Prospects graduate website for information; see  If you choose a subject from the

    A – Z list, you’ll find details under a number of headings including job options, career areas, case studies and contact details for relevant organisations.

    I hope you’ll find this information useful and wish you well in your future study.

  2. That's the general idea of an access course, it gives you access to university.

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