
If I do volunteer work before i enter high school, do the hours count for service learning hours?

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I'm about to enter my freshman year and i already have 98 hours.




  1. It definitely depends on the school. Usually it's all hours that you have completed in high school, but since you have such a high amount try consulting with your guidance counselor about transferring some of them over.

  2. yeah as long as you have it writen down and have someone to vouch for your hours i did the same thing keet it up

  3. It depends on the school and when you did them. You could call the school office and ask. There are usually people there over the summer. Sometimes the school needs to preapprove the activity. If that is the case, then they may not count. Usually, if it is over the previous summer that you did it, they will count it. Anything before that is a likely no.

  4. Nah soz... you have to get that community service booklet before it can count so that pple can sign that you've actually done the work

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  5. entering as a freshman counts during summer

  6. No I don't believe so, but you will have to talk to your Guidance Councler. All schools are different. That's a lot of hours and I'm sure something can be worked out.

  7. yes, just make sure to get whoever supervises you to sign off on the service learning sheet.

  8. not in newyork state you have to be in your senior year. but it will look good on a job or college application

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