
If I don't absolutely believe in 100%-manmade global-warming, am I insane and deserving of prison?

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Should I be publicly ridiculed and then flogged and then imprisoned or executed?

Al Gore and David Suzuki seem to think so.




  1. Actually, no. Global warming is obviously happening, and has happened in the past. What role humans have is not so certain. Sure, our activities strongly coincide with g-w. this time, but whether that's a causative significance or not, is not so sure. Certainly it's not 100% man made. However practicing the measures recommended will prepare  you better for the fossil carbon crunc that is coming. michael

  2. I agree with you, global warming has happened since the beginning of time - hence the ice age!!  Humans are not solely repsonsible for global warming, they just can't be!

  3. join the heresy

  4. you are correct and i hipe yours fears dont come true

    global warming is not totally man made other natural occurrences also play a part

    trust the earth to look after itself even if it means to wipe out homo sapiens

    this is what we should be worries about

  5. You have blasphemed against the global warming god; therefore, you are a heretic.  You will be exposed before your peers.  If you don't renounce your heresy, you will be flogged and if you still don't renounce it, we will have no choice but to execute you.  There is but one god and Al Gore is his prophet.

  6. That seems extreme.  But maybe you'd be a bit more convinced if you were one of the people who owned a parcel of land in Greenland where the ice shelf just recently melted and creating a new island and obliterating very large pieces of real estate.

  7. you are not alone,I have very sceptical moments

  8. While Gore and Suzuki are akin to rabid feminists when it comes to their crusade, to consider that mankind and all his inventions AREN'T changing the environment is foolish.  To what degree is the true question.

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