
If I don't get all the vitamins and minerals I need would that effect my height? I am 15 1/2 and I' am 5' 1"?

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If i get the vitamins and minerals I need would that help me grow taller?




  1. Plenty of protein (meat), calcium (milk) and zinc (red meat, oysters, mussels and nuts) will help your destined normal growth and a deficiency can stunt it.

  2. When I entered the eighth grade, I was the shortest person in my class.  At the end of the eighth grade, I was the tallest, having grown 14 inches in those 9 months to 5 feet tall.  By the end of high school I had grown another 14 inches to 6 feet 2, where I am today.  I've always been a picky eater and don't get all the vitamins and minerals I should.  Both my parents and all my grandparents are short.  It all depends on how much Human Growth Hormone your pituitary gland creates while you're young.  Eating well will help, but it isn't the only thing. I also ran cross-country (4:24  mile) in HS and marathon bicycling in college.

    By the way, don't try to add artificial HGH.  It causes cancer cells to grow as well.  You could die of cancer by the time you're 30.

  3. No - this has to do with genetics. but see a Dr. he may be able to give you some better answers

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