
If I don't see the point in labels, why do I...?

by  |  earlier

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Find myself trying to find my label?




  1. what labels?  

  2. What kind of labels are you talking about.

  3. because society pushes it so much. its like hearing a song on the radio a million times a day that you don't even like but you know the words because you hear it so much. don't give in! just be you.

  4. Everybody wants to feel like they fit in somewhere, no matter how much you hate the labels associated with different "groups."    Is it possible that even though you don't see the point of labels, you still think those people labeling themselves actually *belong* in that category?

    I think the way to look at it is to realize that even those people placing themselves in little groups don't match up everywhere.  People cross lines all the time.  You can be a crunchy/goth/country/science-geek, or an atheist/classical/humanitarian/naturalis... or whatever.  If placing labels on yourself helps you better define and understand who you are, go for it - but don't feel limited by them.  Pick as many as apply to you.  Nobody is stuck, and there are no rules.

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