
If I download Windows XP from limewire and then register it, can i be caught for illegal downloading?

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If I download Windows XP from limewire and then register it, can i be caught for illegal downloading?




  1. From Limewire, h**l can get caught in no time...But download it from've downloaded alot of stuff from here...never got caught...but remember this is windows still have a chance...but i don't think they will waste so much time and money just to catch a person downloading 1 copy of windows....cause it takes almost hundreds of thousands of dollars...go ahead nothing to be afraid of

  2. Man, how are you gonna download the whole windows XP, it ain't gonna fit on 1 CD. And ur gonna have to downloaded from another computer.

    Beware, limewire does send out viruses.

    Plus if ur still gonna do this, do Windows Vista. :)

  3.   I don't even understand why you would consider the crime of software p****y. What is it with your generation? Illegal downloading is a prosecutable crime. Just say no...  and go smoke another joint!

  4. There would nothing worse then downloading Windows...

    Windows is often sending out reports and its easy for them to spot a pirated copy.

  5. holy F***! you need to pay for windows, so you can get caught for illegal downloading......................  

    do you get the point?

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