
If I download lime wire Will it give my computer viruses?

by  |  earlier

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I want to download it but i don't want to get any viruses?pleaes help me




  1. yes

  2. it doesn't give you viruses if you choose the right things to dload... it's only when you dload some unknown things in limewire[ones with no limewire logo] that there's a possiblitiy of getting viruses on your pc

  3. only if you download the programs in it--

  4. Downloading the programme itself wont give you viruses, but you can be pretty sure youll get a couple as soon as you start downloading stuff.  

    If you're looking to download music you're probably best off with something like itunes which is free to download, and gives you the best music organiser and player I've ever used.  Songs are only 79p (in the UK) and you can sleep easy cos its legal.

  5. If you don't want viruses do not download it. Most of the stuff on it is illegal and infested with viruses.

  6. I've used limewire for years and I havent ever gotten a virus but I have a Mac and I heard that they're better with virus protection.  But my friend had a windows and he said he got viruses sooo I guess the answer is yes you can, possibly

  7. Yes, lime wire will give you viruses so I suggest that you don't install it. Like the other answerer said, most of the things on it are illegal and no good unless you want the FBI to come to your house and take your computer.

  8. I bought a car, does it create accidents.

    No, only when you drive it and do something wrong so you will have an accident.

    Limewire is the same. Limewire does not have any virus, so can limewire not give you any viruses.

    It is the person who usies limewire the wrong way, that gives your computer viruses.

    There are some people who have a strange sense of humor. They create files pretending to be a song or movie.

    You see very often when you search for music those small files. These files are much too small to be a song or movie.

    and therefore is it very likely, that those small files are the fake files.

    When you start downloading files higher than 2500 kb, you minimize the risk getting infected

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