
If I dreamed I passed the exam does that mean I can stop studying?

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I am taking a professional exam tomorrow. Last night I had a dream I passed it. Is this a premonition or precognition? Am I seeing the future? Does this mean I don't have to study tonight and can drink beer instead?




  1. Save the beer for celebrating once you have aced it.

    The dream could have been a premonition or just optimism in disguise. Keep studying and Good Luck!!!

  2. haha, no id keep studying mate. I once dreamed a shagged keira knightley, didnt happen for me.

  3. uh no, it was a dream. You still have to go take the test, and you need to know the answers.

    If you had a dream that you were a fisherman, would you show up the next day at the docks?

    Come on, be real man.

  4. you had better hope the teacher didn't dream that you failed !!

  5. I would keep studying because if you are as well informed about the exam material as you are about psychic phenomena then I can logically (no psychic powers required) predict the lowest score ever recorded.

    For your information and to correct your ignorance here is a definition

    "The Psychic Explorers Club Premonitions Registry


    A feeling or impression that something is about to happen, especially something ominous or dire, yet about which no normal information is available.

    From Thalbourne’s Glossary"

    and a link.

  6. pd...You are SO "famous" (or "infamous"?) on do you think  you're are talking to???We know your tricks!! I'd say you're being facetious...Hope you don't have to "cry wolf" some day!! lol

  7. To begin with, would you not go for a job interview just because you dreamed you were offered a job at company you applied for a job from?

    That's just a dream. You might have thought of passing your exams alot and it resulted in a dream. One thing people should understand is that no matter how good one can be,practice must be the first priority. This is because  exams are tricky and you never know whats going to come.

    So in short, make sure you go through what you have learnt to pick up what you might have left out.

  8. I dunno I dreamt I slept through my alarm on finals day. Should I set extra alarms?

  9. you wish. I've dreamed dreams that never came true.

  10. Of course it does. Haven't you learned anything from hanging out in Paranormal Phenomena?  Hey, maybe your Spirit Guide may want to join you for a few beers.

  11. it might just be a premonition but still I think you should prepare yourself for it and good luck!

  12. The mystical energy of the god cosmos has given you a revelation.

    When you dream about giving up all your worldly possessions and living the life of a hermit, let me know.  I know a guy.


    These people seem to have missed that this is a facetious question.  Too funny.

    I love you Peter D.

    (In a platonic, totally hetero way.)

  13. Ummm I would study.  Don't get so cocky on a dream you had.  If you work hard and study, then there is a very good chance you will pass.  But if you go out and drink beer and all, then I wouldn't bet on you passing.  Dreams are not reality.  They are desires.  You desire to pass the exam, now study and do what it takes to make your dream come true!  See what I'm saying?

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