
If I drink at home, can I get in trouble?

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If i were to drink at home (i'm 17) and leave the house, for some reason get my BAC checked ..could i get in any legal trouble?




  1. This is a fine-line question.  Every state is different.  In my state it is legal for a minor to drink at home with parental consent and with the parent present.  If that minor was to leave the house with alcohol in their system then they would need that consent on paper with them and it would have to be verified by the parent.

    If the minor was obviously still drunk and/or driving the consent form would be worthless.

  2. Yes, could be under aged drinking or public-intoxication.You might have to pay a fine or do Community-Service. Your Parents could get in trouble too.

  3. Probably worst thing that the police would do is call your parents maybe make them or you pay a fine but other then that I don't think so.

  4. In my state you could be charged with Underage Consumption of Alcohol and if you are driving and under twenty-one you would get a DWI if you had any alcohol in your system while driving.  Your parents could also be charged with Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor if you were drinking at home.

  5. Some states have under age consumption laws and so yes, it could be a problem.  I don't know why it would be checked unless you are driving.  Best bet is don't drink.  You are too young!  Leave all the bad habits for the older people and enjoy your youth.,

  6. Yes,

    you're under-aged

  7. well,your parents will. however, if you keep this up,you will look like nancy pelosi by the time you hit 21 !

  8. Yes.  If you are driving you would get a DWI, and in some jurisdictions, you could get a minor in possession of alcohol by having it in your system.  The county around Kansas City, MO has such an ordinance on the books.

  9. If you were not in a fit state you would be taken to the police station or a Hospital if necessary, If you had the Alcohol on you, you would have the Alcohol confiscated and you would receive a warning. If you were acting like an idiot or if the Police Officer saw fit they could arrest you for under either the Public Order Act or Drunk and Disorderly.

    By the way most of them above are talking about the U.S. Our law's are different.

  10. not unless your driving

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