
If I drink prune juice will it help with babies constipation?

by Guest64772  |  earlier

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It has been a little over a week since my breastfed 6 week old has pooped so I called his doctors and the nurse told me to drink prune juice. Do you think that would work, I have never heard of that. What should I do?




  1. It's worth giving it a try. Doctors and nurses didn't go to school for nothing.

  2. Yes, that does work. Been there, done that, it worked.

  3. I have never heard of that either, but its worth trying, also eat more fruits, and fiber, that should also help. My child also had constipation issues when she was born...I just mixed her milk with about 2 tablespoons of prune juice, that should help her go.  

  4. Yes it works,but how I did it was I put it into a bottle,like a tablespoon,and mixed with it formula.I wasn't breastfeeding,but thats what I did.Also another thing that helps,is I believe its called "Karol" its a liquid sugar,and you mix it with water.Perhaps a tablespoon of that and water.I used both method,and both work (:

  5. Yes, it will work fine.

    but... ARE YOU NUTS ???    You would rather take advice from strangers on the net than your doctor???????

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