
If I drop off the face of the earth, who would really pitch a fit?

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If I drop off the face of the earth, who would really pitch a fit?




  1. not me ,we need less people as it is

    but d**n gravity you will drop right back again

  2. The guy who's hot property you landed on at the bottom of the drop.

  3. Me. I feel better just knowing you're out there.

  4. I would too, but it would be the gravity thing.  Unless of course you think the world is flat and were going to step off the edge.  Then you'd hear a big sigh of relief outta me.

  5. well, are we talking physically, emotionally or spiritually here?

    physically, well you know - the gravity deal. If you like to go up for a while try parachute jumping.

    emotionally, many people escape by taking a drug or indulge in some kind of mind altering activity including zoning out on games and entertainment. It's not just the head, the heart is involved in escapism and needs to be healthy.

    Spiritually, there are answers, as well as with the soul. Problems, try:

  6. I would miss you terribly.... what would I do without you in my life.

  7. I would! Wouldn't that mean that my turn wasn't too far behind? Gravity does affect all of us equally, you know.

  8. wow.  you must be bored. =]

  9. Not me.

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