everyday for 2 months, and go running 5 days a week for 40 mins, how much will I lose in 2 months? I wont be eating the exact same thing everyday, but similar things.
Breakfast-Egg Beaters with lowfat cheese and an apple or Kashi Go Lean cereal with a banana and fat free milk
Lunch-Turkey on wheat, no cheese, with tomatos, and avacado or homemade vegetable soup or brown rice and veggies
Dinner-salad with grilled chicken, or chicken and veggies, or something like that
snacks-organic low cal chips with salsa, strawberries, watermelon, unsalted cashews, or celery sticks with pb
I have only 2 snacks a day.
Its usually about 1100-1300 cals. So from Sept-Nov 1, how much can I possibly lose?
I am 23 yrs old, 5'1 and 160 lbs♥ Thanks!