
If I eat unhealthy and a lot (Hungry) , will that ruin my endurance in running?

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If I eat a lot of unhealthy foods, but I still go out and train that day, will that ruin my endurance. Do I have to watch what I eat or cut back?




  1. Poor food and too much food will both ruin your endurance.  You cannot be at your best if you fill your tank with junk.

  2. You won't run your best if you eat c**p.

  3. Nutrition is just as important as exercise, You most definitely need to watch what you eat or you will not get to your full potential. If you are an endurance / cardio / aerobic activity type person and eat healthy you should be taking in over 3000, maybe 3500 calories a day to cope with all the energy your body needs to metabolize in order to fuel your extended aerobic activity. Depending on your current weight you should try to balance your protein / carbs / fat calories approprietly. If you are of "fit" weight and are lean with maybe 7-11% bodyfat your PCF ratio should probably be around 30%:50%:20%

    Hope this helps, feel free to email if you have any questions.

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