
If I email a record company about a song I wrote will they hire me?? (if they like it)?

by  |  earlier

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1. I want 2 send a record company some songs I wrote And Im trying 2 record me singing them do u think they will hire me or buy them from me if they like them??

2. who do I email there bookings, managements, or who??

thank you




  1. they might sign you for a record if its really really good (assuming you perform it), but if you aren't gonna be the one performing it, they'll s***w you for as little money as possible. sorry for the bad news, but good luck.

  2. You make the demos, then either you or an agent peddle them until some company decides to buy them. They may want the songs for their own artists, or they may ask if you have other material so they can promote you.

    But YOU are the one who has to get out there and peddle. No record company is going to get wild over a couple E-mails. If you want a career to call your own, get those demos out there.

  3. its not like that

    the business is not like that at all my friend. if you were the jonas brothers they wouldnt take you. thats why theyre with disney.

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