
If I emigrated to another country, would my criminal record follow me?

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Which country can I go to that wouldn't keep my record, somewhere where I can have a fresh start. I would rather be in Iraq than have a criminal record?

One conviction when I was a minor (14) and another one at 19 for fare dodging. I'm 24 now.

I'm not a scumbag, I'm very nice.




  1. Those are 2 very minor offences which I doubt would effect your future prospects or appear on a charge sheet.

  2. there minor, who cares if they follow u, it wnt make a difference

  3. No country is going to let you immigrate, no less ignore your record and "wipe the slate clean."  You have to rebuild your life in your own country of citizenship.  If you are a "nice person," you have to prove it every day for the rest of your life.  You did some really stupid things, so own up to them, learn your lessons, get past it, and rebuild your life by being the law-abiding citizen of your own country which you should have been from the get-go.

    Apparently you have stayed out of further trouble for 5 years now.  Keep it up, keep growing, keep improving.

  4. Your record precedes you.   The country determines whether they want a "very nice scumbag" like you.   Depending on the crime, you may be denied entry.   More information has to be given on your passports by you than you can believe.(something you cannot fake, if there are records, they will appear).

       Better to stay at home and have the issues forgotten at home.

         What may be a minor offense in one country is looked upon differently in another. (Example:petty theft in the US  a slap on the wrist and a fine  : in the Honduras a caning on the bareback with bamboo stalks  ; in the Orient they used to cut off the hand and you became a beggar on the street as you were now marked as a thief.    

       Some countries don't dicern age groups(minor or adult gets the same)    You are screwed and tatooed.     Life is over for you.

    No where to run to, no where to hide.

    Come on over to the Dark Side, we will forget about it.

  5. Your convictions will be spent shortly, I think it is 7 years for something minor like fare dodging. So in 2 years you will not have as such a criminal record in the UK.

  6. The minor one won't show anywhere, its sealed and the other will come off in a couple of years. So stay out of trouble!

  7. You don't have to mention the juvenile conviction.  

  8. you will be shot on sight in china lol we'll take a hand in england. dont make mistakes othwise you will be crushed  

  9. Fare dodging is hardly premier league crime and would not register on the criminal records index, so don't worry about it.

  10. dude..i dont know what to say...but at least your sorting your **** out mate ;)  

  11. Minor crimes it seems but odds are your record will indeed follow you.

  12. no but if that's all you have done its not Major so why emigrate

  13. Yes it will.

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