
If I fast for seven days will God answer my prayer?

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I read and heard if I fast God will answer me. Is this really true?




  1. Yes, God will answer your prayer. Fasting does help, but you do not have to fast for seven days. In James 1:5-6 it states " (5) If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. (6) But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed." I know that if we have faith God will answer our prayers. I hope this helps.

  2. God answer's your prayers either directly, delayed, different, or denied.  

  3. If you believe it, then that is called "faith" and I believe you will get your answer.  I have fasted over situations in my life for one day, three, and seven and have truly seen results or received my answer or simply received peace about a relationship.  

  4. Isn't that called Ramadan, that is not in the Christian religion. I don't think this is true, where did you read this.

  5. its not of matter of fasting to answer your prayers. all fasting is to get u closer to god. it all depends on what u pray for if u pray for yourself depend on wat it is he might not answer. i prayed last night nd i am not really a church goin person. i prayed bout the hurricane goin to new orleans nd he stop it no lie. think bout wat i said. if u pray to save lives nd not for your own he will answer.

  6. Not unless you have accepted salvation by recognizing that you are sinner, repenting of your sin, and asking God to save you.  Fasting, good works, and good deeds alone won't do any good whatsoever.

    Paul spelled this out quite clearly in 1 Corinthians 13:1-3.  Please note that "charity" in this passage is the Greek word for "Godly Love."  No one can have Godly Love unless they are saved.

  7. Yes , if your request is in his will he will do it. Never give up in your prayers . God may say no and he may say yes but he will always do things  when he wants to , which is not necessarily when we want it done. God bless you.

  8. Yes, but you do not need to fast.  God will answer your prayers even without a fast.

  9. Just beware that your heart is right with god. if you approach him for selfish reasons, or for something he don't want you to have, your answer will be no. Or you won't get and answer at all. Either way I learned a long time ago that god answers prayer when: it's biblical, the spirit leads you to it, and it happens smoothly. all other way is from the devil. prayer and fasting are good things. just do it.  

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