
If I get Direct TV, can I still keep my cable modem?

by  |  earlier

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Or do I have to get DSL now since the satellite feed will likely be coming over the cable in the house?




  1. True, you should be able to keep your broadband service without the cable TV service. Time Warner just puts a filter on my line. I have DirecTV  for my TV. I would have cable, but Time Warner does not carry Univision here in Columbia (Not sure why since that is the top hispanic Nielson rated network in the United States?).  The DirecTV folks will run new cables to your receiver(s) for the satellite. They should not mess with the existing cable.

  2. no you cannot....sorry

  3. do you mean modern?

  4. Yes you can keep it. i work for time warner cable.

  5. Absolutley. Just be sure you tell your directv tech that you use a cable modem. If that area isnt getting a tv then its not an issue. If you are putting a reciever in that are your tech will run a new line for the satellite...

  6. yes you can keep it there is a device called a diplexers that combines the catv signal and satellite signal on the same cable wire

    i have worked as an installer with directv / dish network , Cox Cable for over 12 years

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