
If I get a D in english, although i was predicted two A's will the 6th form still except me but make me retak?

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If I get a D in english, although i was predicted two A's will the 6th form still except me but make me retak?




  1. Well I doubt you will ever get 2 A's judging by this question.

    However, I doubt they will, because English is a vital core subject and basically, if you can't do that, you can't do most academic subjects particularly well. Plus, if you took a retake alongside your A Levels, it would be a lot of work and you would probably get a bad grade anyway.

    Predicted grades don't really mean much.

  2. Even if the sixth form that you are planning on going to won't let you in with only a D grade, then another surely will, but even if they don't make you retake it then it would be good for you to do so anyway as so many jobs require 5A*-C grades inc. English and maths.

  3. You'll probably have to retake as most 6th forms expect you to get a C or above.

  4. You're talking about GCSE's I'm guessing?

    They might except you.

    The might not.

    You should retake it.

    But you don't know that you've got D!

    GCSE results aren't til next week!

    You'll need to see what happens on enrolment day.

    Officially no you won't be able to do many subjects without english language.

    But realistically I'd say yes probably, although I doubt you'll be able to do English A-Level.

    However if you're predicted 2 A's I very much doubt you'll end up with a D!

    Unless you're talking about AS results, in which case yes you can do A2 with a D in English. I know that because I got a D in AS english lit yesterday and I checked with my teacher and you can progress with a D.

    Hope it works out whatever results you're talking about!

  5. you make no sense. say it clearer so i can answer you.

  6. Most sixth forms will make you retake if you don't have at least at C, because this grade is required so much at University level.

  7. I'm surprised you even managed a D with your spelling!!!

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