
If I get a kid at New Zealand, What are advantages and disadvantages to my child?

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Sorry for my poor communication, I could not convey message properly. We have a plan to settle at New Zealand in future. If we give a birth to a child at New Zealand, what is the advantage? If we give birth at India, what is the advantage?




  1. Parents to be wanting to adopt are on the waiting list for YEARS to adopt a child in NZ, for a start you have to be a NZ permanent resident and been living there for years .... so sorry - you won't meet the criteria.


    Edit - ok you were not clear when saying you are going to GET a child.

    It would be pretty wrong for you to get pregnant while there on a student visa - you are their to study and further you education ....

  2. they speak english in new zealand. but i don't know about the adoption process in new zealand.

  3. As a New Zealander I find it offensive and wrong that you would be so deceitful as to come to our country on a student Visa and then have a child.  This means us Kiwis have to pay for your hospital bill and the upkeep of your child.  We are sick and tired of people doing this and ripping off our health system.  You will NOT be welcome int his country if you do such a thing.  Shame on you.  If you want to come here to live, use the proper LEGAL processes and chanels and don't sell your baby out just to come to a different country.

    Jack W:  How is it racist to be pissed off when people try to rip of the country...that includes the indigenous peoples' of Aotearoa??  Don't be so god d**n P.C and wake up.  I would say the same to a white person who wanted to come over here and do the same thing.

    Probably you want to kill me now because I have 'wronged you' - just like the question you asked in your profile page.

  4. having a baby in a new country where you have a lot of problems is risky for the safety of the baby and mother....Do you know how stressful it is to migrate....?first of all your English, settling, finantial problems, lack of support, lack of knowledeg about the country you are going to, lack of proper accomodation, do you know how stressed you will get when you are moving?all these will affect your ability to cope and care properly for your new baby....the best thing for a baby is a good and safe environment with a loving and secure and happy parents....immigration is the biggest and most difficult thing to you want to add another problem on the top? do you want to do your assignments or do you want to stay up all night and look after the baby?one has to give and be the victim?being on student visa you can not work more than certain number of hours?how can you provide for the baby?you do not have enough think New Zealand is America and if you give birth there your baby will automatically become New Zealand this is matter where he or she is being born he/she will keep your nationality untill you get New Zealand Permanent Residence and are so are making wrong need to get plenty of proper information from other people who have gone through the immigration themselves not here on yahoo answers from kiwis who do not know anything about the immigartion laws and regulations.

  5. don't listen to racists whites listen to me Sangee

    1. better health of child she will not be killed in nz but in india not so good

    2. free citizenship in western country instead of 3rd country

    3. good life change.

  6. Hi Hari,

    For the web links, see your other question:

    Just by giving birth in NZ will not mean your child would be a NZ citizen; you have to meet the residency requirements. The Citizenship Act 1977 provides that a person born in New Zealand on or after 1 January 2006 will only acquire New Zealand citizenship if, at the time of their birth, at least one of the child’s parents was a New Zealand citizen or had the right to reside in New Zealand indefinitely...Check out the first web link...

    The best advantage is not to give birth! Planet Earth struggles to sustain the current population, so why create more humans? Besides, would you want your children to be responsible for sorting out the mess the previous generations have made?

    Earth can not sustain the existing human population indefinitely, not including the current population growth. The planet's resources are quickly dwindling without replacements. One logical solution to this problem is population control. Since the world can not indefinitely support the entire human population, then the world's population needs to decrease to a level so that the planet can sustain both humanity and wildlife indefinitely. Please check out the second web link.

    A related Indian web site reported "India's population is at present about 1,000,840,000. Only around 52.5 per cent of this huge number of people are literate - not educated, but literate. The vast majority are, in other words, barely able to read and write." Please check out the third web link.

    If you must have children, then please adopt one. Provide a good home to a child who needs stability and love. There are countless children already here, who have no caring adults in their lives. Be kind to yourself and to the planet. Take care of what we have now and don't procreate, please.

    If you are comparing places, then consider that the majority of New Zealanders are educated, (required to attend school till 15 or 16 years of age). New Zealand is a wonderful place to live. I have no first hand experience of India. I don't mean to sound cruel, but you should really consider the hard facts. I can see why you would want to live in New Zealand but really, there is no advantage (at least not for the future of the planet) for giving birth to a child (in either country).

    P.S.  Now that I've seen this 2nd question I stand by my answer.

    You are a student and planning to have a baby?  Why don't you concentrate on your education before jumping into parenthood?  Sounds like your priorities are mixed up.

    P.S.P.S.  In response to Snow R's convoluted comments - do not disregard other people's answers, please.  

    I may not be an expert on NZ immigration laws and regulations, but at least I know where to look to find answers.  

    Yes, I have gone through the immigration process.  I am American by birth, but a New Zealander by choice.  So maybe I am not an 'expert' but at least I have been through the process.


  7. less chance of the birth parents wanting the child back, american birth parents can still get their kid back within 6 months of adoption. I think new Zealanders speak english? maybe?

    its a devoloped country so it takes a longer time to go through the adoption process, and since your not from new zealand they would have to do a more indept background check

    also the child may feel scared leaving his country and going to a new place with two strangers

    but i hope this works out

    adopted kids a special:)

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