
If I get an audition what do i do?

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tthat could be the begginning of my career its a BIG TIME audition but ive never had an audition before do they provide "the material" for you like the skit? or do you have to provide it? if you do does anyone have an idea what would be a good skit?




  1. Careful m'lady.  Don't pack your bags too soon, and don't expect to make the BIG TIMES after you very first audition.  

    The people who are auditioning will tell you what you need.  If they don't, then ask.  A resume and a short monologue are excellent to have.

    Good luck!!  ^_^

  2. It depends.  If you have an audition coming up then someone should inform you about what's required of you.  It is always a good idea to have 2 contrasting pieces to perform though.  Make sure it doesn't go over 3 minutes (a minute and a half apiece) and make sure that you have some sort of subtle change that distinguishes you from each character, like a hat or a scarf or a jacket.  Don't do a complete costume change because you won't have time for it.  Two contrasting pieces can mean something contemporary and something classical; or it could mean something dramatic and something comedic.  It can vary however you would like it to, as long as the 2 pieces are different from each other.  

    Also, make sure you know your lines for those pieces.  Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse them in front of someone who can be objective and give you some direction.  Be prepared to take some harsh criticism if need be.  

    If your audition consists of a cold reading (which means doing it from the script when you get ther) please keep in mind that just because it's a cold reading doesn't mean you can't read the script before you get there.  Get a good idea of the characters and what they're like.  I wouldn't try to learn lines if you're doing a cold reading, but it is always nice when you already know the characters and the story before you get there.  Break a leg!

  3. depends. find out more information about the place where the auditions are being held. normally, you would just pick a scene out of a movie that shows how good of an actress you are, but there are sometimes certain time limits you must keep the skit within.  then you must have a resume, i think. but you will need a LOT of money if you are traveling somewhere out of state. think of the price of gas, the audition fee, and hotel price. It is quiet a lot of work

  4. This is information you need to get. If you can't find out, just prepare something just in case. has some great monologues...

    Make sure you are prepared and RELAX.

  5. you have to find out from them what you have to do.  be prepared.

  6. hope these are helpfull

    how to prepare for an audition

    usually when you frst go in they will have something for you , you can ask the same questions  here to them, they will help you . and ask ..

    what are your expectations from me

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