
If I get contact lenses, will I need to get toric ones?

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I have a slight astigmatism in each eye (-0.5 for dominant eye, -0.25 for other eye).

I've read that the only type of soft contact lenses that correct astigmatism are 'toric' ones (which are also fewer in choice and more expensive).

Do I need to get 'toric' ones - or can other types of soft lenses correct mild astigmatism also?

I have mild long-sightedness, +1 in each eye (most young people with my prescription only need glasses for reading, but for some reason my eyes get tired more easily and I get headaches/eyestrain - so I need to wear my glasses all the time).

I'm interested in getting contacts that I can leave in over-night and wear continuously for 1 or more weeks. What are these like, in your experience?





  1. Contacts that are  not toric will not correct your astigmatism. I tried wearing reagular contacts so that I could have color opposed to clear vision. Sometimes for fun that is alright. If you want crisp vision you will have to be fitted for toric conacts.

  2. As RayofLight don't need torics with that small amount of astigmatism. Torics only start at 0.75 to begin with.

    The one that has the  0.50 will be corrected by adding 0.25 to the sphere power. The one with just the 0.25 won't have any change to the sphere.

    Chaseley didn't read your question right I guess...and she doesn't seem aware that torics come in color either.

  3. I have an astigmatism & I am wearing normal contact lenses, my vision is fine but obivously it hasnt correct the astigmatism.

    I have just stopped wearing continuous wear lenses because I have decided to wear my new glasses more and have swapped to dailies.

    I find the continous wear lenses very comfortable. My optician advised me to wear / sleep in the lenses for six days and nights and then take them out to give my eyes a rest for a day or so, and I did this every week.

    They are not for everyone so if you are thinking about it, go and speak to your optician and you should be able to have a trial.

  4. No torics is required. Your astigmatism is too low for a toric lens.

    Generally, at least -0.75 is need before a toric lens is prescribed.

    Treat all "over-night" lens with caution, especially if you are a first wearer.

    An "over-night" lenses just mean that the lens performance allows sufficient oxygen to pass through. Individual eyes may adapt differently.

    Discuss this in detail with you Optometrist

    Hope this helps

  5. No, you don't need to get toric lenses, but you will get clearer, sharper vision than you would with regular lenses.

    I actually have a fairly high astigmatism in both eyes, but my eye doc told me I am OK to wear either. My clear lenses that I wear most days are toric, but my colored ones that I just wear once in awhile are not. Colored Toric lenses are just way too much money, so I just have regular ones. I wear Impressions Colors and Acuvue Advance for Astigmatism.

    The only lens that I know of that you are allowed to leave in overnight is Night and Day, but those are also quite expensive, so you may just want to go for the regular kind. In any case, whatever you get - don't buy them from your Doc, get them online, they are WAY cheaper for the exact same thing. I get mine from and they've always been good.

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