
If I get hit in the head by a hockey puck, do I get a free hot dog?

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.... and maybe a free coke?




  1. I think you are beautiful and insightful.....  

    But I also think that the moon landing was staged, that aliens built the pyramids, and that Elvis is alive and living 2 blocks from me.

    Marry me Tracy Terry?

  2. Tell the hot dog vendor that you will eat the weiner without biting or chewing it - I'm sure he will give it to you for free...

  3. What was the answer the last 3 times you asked this? Seems to me someone suffered some memory loss during her tragic accident.

  4. I hate to break it to you Tracy but no free hot dogs. They will have Albert Pujols come over and put a bun on the puck for you though, so it resembles a free hamburger. No free coke either, just aspirin.

  5. Happened to a girl in NC about 10 years ago.   She got a free coffin.

  6. If it's a face hit, yes (I believe they throw in a bag of skittles too); but if it's just the side or back of your head, say if you were looking behind you when the object struck you, then sorry but that's only worth an ice pack.

  7. yes.. and you will get my hot dog as well

  8. Well Tracy you are a free hot dog.

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