
If I get married, I want to take my husband's name? ?

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It's not that I think it's my duty or anything, I just hate my own last name. Would you say it's demeaning for me to change my name that way?




  1. Everyone will most likely assume you've taken his name, even if you didn't.  

    Not that you have to, but you know how people are.

    Kudos to you for knowing what you want, but remember that you don't have to have people's approval to live your life!

  2. Sweety, it is your life and your choice to take on your husband's name.  

  3. Demeaning?

    Uh, no. It's your choice.

  4. I am a feminist and there is no rule about taking your husbands name.  I did.  It does not demean you at all; it joins you with a man that you trust.  Anyways I wanted my kids to have the same last name as both of us and so I figured that we had to have the same last name.

  5. It's "tradition" for a woman to take her husband's last name for her own.

    It's also quite acceptable NOT to.

    You also have the option of hyphenating your last name to his.

    In other words, do whatever you want to do!  :-)  

    It's all good...

    Did you expect radically different answers from all the "crazy feminists" around here?  Sorry to disappoint.

  6. That's what my mom did, and she never felt demeaned. I hate my last name as well, but I'm changing it to my grandmother's maiden name.

  7. your suppose to take his name.

  8. No, it's not demeaning.  If you are happy taking your husband's name there is nothing wrong with it at all.

  9. If that's what you want to do, then don't let anyone else tell you what you "should" or "shouldn't" do. There's no wrong choice. It's whatever works for you.

  10. No. No I wouldn't.

  11. uhhhh,  call my crazy, but i always thought the woman is supposed to take her husband's last name.

  12. If you're asking feminists I'd imagine they'd say yes. Ask normal people, then of course it isn't.

  13. No silly! If you don't like your name and do like your hubby's whats the problem? I always imagined when I get married I'd make  up a totally new last name, lol!

  14. My wife was the same way... I would have been willing to take hers, it made no difference to me, but she wanted to take mine, because she hated hers.

    There's nothing wrong with that, the decision is YOURS. Demeaning would be if you took a last name you didn't like, because you felt you had no choice...  

  15. It's only demeaning if you don't want to but just change it because you feel you should or to appease other people. If you want to, go ahead. I wouldn't want to have a name I hated.

  16. :S Normally the woman takes the husbands name anyway, unless she really doesn't want to or she wants a combination of the 2. So theres no need to worry! Nobody in your family will think any less of you for taking his name.

  17. If you want to take his name then go ahead and take it! It isn't demeaning to change your last name.

  18. I just think it's sad that you hate your existing name.   You can change it anytime you like to anything you want.

  19. A feminist will say, go ahead if it benefits you and you only.

    Feminist are only against such things if you place a loved one above your own needs.

  20. Find the act of Having, demanding, being expected to take it demeaning

    not the actual act, if that what you want to do....go for it.  

  21. No, I don't believe it is demeaning towards you because many people do it. They don't mind having thier last name's changed to thier husband's last name.  

  22. It's only demeaning that you would be expected to change your name.   If you want a new name thats the perfect time.    

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