
If I get my permit can I put a car in my name?

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Drivers permit im 16 can I get my car put in my name




  1. One has little or nothing with the other.

    A 16 year old cannot buy a car because a 16 year old is not old enough to make a contract.

    If you are driving a car that your parents (or whomever) are letting you drive, you could have it registered in your name, but they should be listed as legal owner or lien holder. This way, any problems on it will come to you and not them. Like vehicle infractions, accidents or a parking tickets.

  2. In the state of Texas anyone can put a car in their name.. regardless of license/permit/age, ect as long as their is a valid social security number.. I put my first car in my name when I was 16 a few years back and was surprised to be able to do that, but I am unaware of the laws in other states.

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