
If I get sued in small calims court in California do I have to show up to the court in person?

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Or can I send a representative of some kind. I live far from the court and do not want to go that distance.




  1. Usually yes, because if you are absent you will loose your case and you will have to put up with all consequences that that entails. If you are not too far away, go there. If not hire a lawyer to represent you. You can also write a letter to the court requesting to change the date. But do something, do NOT just NOT GO.

  2. You usually have to show up in person. I don't know what you are calling "far from the court." You may be able to do a limited power of attorney to authorize someone to act on your behalf, but if that person has no knowledge of the facts or issues involved, you may find yourself with a default judgment.

  3. not necessarily if you assert the court does not have jurisdiction - then it is a matter of quashing the subpoena.

  4. You could hire a lawyer, but it's usually cheaper to take a day off and travel.

  5. If you do not show up you will lose by default.

    Why is the court far from you? Small claims court cases in CA "usually" have to be filed in the county court where the defendant lives.

    "Asteroid Camper" is wrong - lawyers are not permitted in CA small claims courts.


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