
If I get therapy class for being shy,Does it affect for me getting a job later on?

by Guest44546  |  earlier

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I told my mom that I wanted to take thereapy to  stop being shy.She told it is not a great idea cuz in a job they can ask  u if u took any therepepy class.Is it true that it might affect an opportunity to get the job? plz if you know a lot of this respond.points will be how excellent u respond my question.




  1. First you will grow out of your shyness as you grow into adulthood. If you choose to have a few conversations with a therapist then you may speed up the process. It would be a great way to better understand yourself as well as others.

    Potential employers are not allow to ask you about your medical or psychological background.

  2. No job will find out if you went to therapy or not, they wouldn't care either if you went to therapy for shyness

  3. Well kiddo, if therapy results in an increase in your self confidence, when you seek a possession, what will be visible is your self assurance.  Besides, your medical records are not a part of publicly accessibly, documents.  Only if you sign a release that will release your private medical records, will they become available to anyone other than Doc's, and you.

  4. I don't believe an employer can ask if you have had therapy and you don't have to disclose it (it can be considered part of your medical history).

    If you or your mother are uncomfortable with the idea of 'therapy' you could look into classes that will help you become more comfortable or outgoing (give it a positive spin) like acting, dancing, a writing class where you share and critique with the class, public speaking, leadership training, etc. Thinking of it as building your character makes it a positive experience, while thinking of it as 'making me less shy' might feel a little negative.

    I gave you a couple links to legal/illegal hiring questions. I didn't see anything about therapy, but this could be considered medical history or mental health, both of which are usually protected. Hope this helps!

  5. I can't imagine why your Mom would tell a fib like that.  Get some help if you want it.  No - it will not affect your ability to get a job later.  As others have said - employers are not allowed to ask you about that stuff.  Furthermore, when it works, you will have an air of confidence that will impress an empoyer and you will get the best job around. I interview a lot of people.  Shy folks are nice, but I'm not going to hire any of them - I need people with self-confidence.  Go get your therapy.  It will serve you well.  :-)

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