
If I go backpacking in england, should I worry about being mugged?

by  |  earlier

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places I wanna see: manchester, newcastle, london, etc. I heard from this british guy that he was just jogging in some park and these kids tried to take his ipod, so... sounds pretty sketch.




  1. No matter where you travel in the world, there is always the danger of being robbed or killed.  It is YOUR responsibility to never put yourself in a compromising situation or be at the wrong place at the wrong time.  Like, leaving a party slightly intoxicated at 2:00 AM with a bunch of people you hardly know, to party somewhere else.  That is totally irresponsible and unfortunately, very common.

    Always know who you are associating with, know the terrain, the districts to avoid.  Check out the local situation with people you trust, etc. etc.  Always be vigilant.

  2. the mass majority of people in the uk. are sound , but don't be naive and leave yourself vunerable in dodgy areas, some people think they are worldly and wise but they aren't, wev'e had the most unbelievable amount of knife crimes just within the last few days alone, you will find it safer and more friendly the further north you go

  3. Everywhere in the world has crime. Yeah, big cities have more of it, but it's about being street wise and knowing how to avoid it.

    Don't walk around with your prized possessions on display. Don't walk by yourself at night.

    Simple everyday safety, really. It's just about being realistic.

  4. well not really just dont hang around in weird dodgy places.

  5. nope us english are a happy bunch of people :)

    but be carefull of being called ' hoodies' ( teenages with hoods up) they the 1's you have to wach but the rest of us say ' welcome to england' :)

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