
If I go on a cruise and ask the ship's captain for 'love advice', what do you think he'll say to me?

by  |  earlier

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jds, what a boring answer!




  1. I agree with jds...why the heck would he care? let him be, so he can take care of the ship...and how would you get to him? he's almost always on the bridge, and there are security offcers everywhere

  2. As they are usually older men, he will have tons of advice but be reluctant to offer it.  You may have to ask a couple times.  Of course, if he gives you the suggestion on how to fix it and you fix the problems before the last day--He will offer to MARRY you!

    That would be cool

  3. I don't understand why you would ask the captain.  Do you think he/she is capable of giving love advice?  Ask someone else and leave the captain alone to safely guide the ship.

  4. You wouldn't even get near the captain.  So don't worry about asking him.

  5. he' ll probably smile and say something totally removed from the question such as  " are you enjoy ing your cruise? where are you from" LOL

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