
If I go tanning every other day (taning bed) for 20 minutes each time till Sept.2, will I be dark?

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I need to have a tan by September 2nd.

My tanning package starts today. So,

if I go tanning every other day, sometimes a couple days in a row,

for 20 minute each time in a standard tanning bed,

will I be dark by the 2nd?

I'm semi-pale, & I've been to tanning beds before.




  1. Probably you will be darker or perhaps just burned if you have semi-pale skin, that would look really attractive...

    Why do you 'need' a tan?

    Haven't you read the reports on how dangerous sunbeds are for you?

    Your health, your choice :(

  2. Possibly, but the only definite is you'll increase your chance of getting melanoma.

  3. It depends how fast your skin tends to tan- I would say you could get a decent colour by September 2nd, maybe not as dark as you`d like but you should see a difference. Good luck & I hope I've helped.

  4. Have you really considered the damage that this is causing your skin? Have you considered a Mystic tan where a computerized machine sprays an even coat of self tanner on you? Consider all of the risk before tanning.  

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