
If I go to a temp agency, how long will it take them to find a job for me?

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The one I was thinking of going to is Adecco




  1. May be few hours or months, depending upon demand of your domain.

  2. Hi There

    The recruitment market depending on what sector your looking at is a bit dry at the moment.

    Some people are walking into a recruitment company and getting temp work immediately while other FULL time temps have been out of work for weeks. I know several people who temp full time but lately have been looking to go full time as the temp work just is not there.

    I would recommend joining as many sites as you can.

    Please check out my one at

    Good luck


  3. Adecco, like any other placement agency has a job listing of available jobs that can be applied for immediately.

        If you find something that matches your skill set you will probably be sent to an interview the same week that you apply.

        The convenience of placement agencies is that they do much of the legwork that is required when job hunting.

         The downside is that you have a partner when it comes to getting paid. The agency's customer pays the agency, and in turn the agency pays you, but at a rate that's significantly less than what you would earn if you were dealing directly with the employer.

  4. It depends on your skills, what you're looking for and what they have available.  It could be the next day if you're able or it could be much longer.  

    I signed up at 2 or 3 when I was out of work for a short period of time years ago and I can tell you that I did not work steadily during that time but a temp-to-perm position came up that I ended up getting.  

    Good luck.

  5. It would depend on what kind of work you are willing to do, how far you would be willing to travel for said job, and your qualifications. I recently used a temp service but was selective in the job offers (I was a substitute teacher at the time so I could be a bit more selective than some I suppose) until I was offered one that I was willing to take (location, pay, job description, etc.). I am now hired on and really enjoying myself. Good luck!

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