
If I go to hongkong on holiday and get all my things sorted and all is fine. can immigration refuse me?

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why would the imigration be able to refuse me if i have perfect health and a ticket and passport to enter hongkong? can they refuse me? for what reasons? if i have stuck to all there rules can they refuse me entry into hongkong? why? how? please reply if any one has the time




  1. You have a visa I presume.

  2. do youhave a job there or a degree in a usefull feild those can stop you from staying, this should help

  3. To enter any country is not a right is a privilege.  Any Immigration of any country can refuse a visitor to enter a country and deport  the visitor ...usually they do NT give the explanation to the visitor  but they send a report through the Ministry of foreign affairs to the local Embassy or Consulate -of the nation the one that the visitor is a citizen.  Also & if the visitor obtained a visa before he arrived...still the Immigratiion   can deny him entrance and cancell the Visa...usually that happens to criminals that hide their criminal record  or   they ignore this detail and the information got discovered upon arrival...or for any other political or religious activities that the   visitor is involved with.

  4. Why would you think that they would refuse you? If you have a valid ticket (a return ticket unless you have a visa that permits you to stay a long period of time) and enough money to finance your stay, no criminal convictions and a passport that is valid for at least 6 months from the date of entry into a foreign country you should be fine. I haven't heard of Hong Kong being that strict (especially in comparison to some countries when it comes to deportations though).

    I think you're just being a bit paranoid or are a first time traveller.

    The main countries people usually have to watch out for are London (Heathrow airport especially) and Los Angels (USA). As a British citizen you don't have to worry about Heathrow. You are allowed to stay in Hong Kong for 6 months as a tourist without a visa.

  5. First of all, you have a current passport, a round trip ticket and a current visa, right?  Do you have a police record?  Do you meet any kind of profiling they might be doing?

    Plus they may have a quota policy and the quota may be full at this time.  Contact the State Department in DC to find out why you mightn't be allowed in Hong Kong.

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