
If I got a score of 2/5 on my AP test, will that affect my college GPA?

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Will the score be in my college transcript?




  1. When I took AP tests, they didnt count against a person's GPA. The transcripts come from your school and the AP test scores come from College Board (if I remember correctly). The score would simply let your intended college know how much of that specific material you absorbed and if you learned enough to avoid having to take that subject again in college. But then again, I took my last AP tests in Spring of 2003, they have even changed the SAT's since then! Good luck!

  2. Well, the college I attend will not accept that score. You need a 3 to recieve credit. In that instance it will not impact your GPA, but you might need to repeat the subject that  you got the 2/5 in.

  3. no it wont be on ur college transcript... that just means that u will not be able to pt out of takin that class that u took the AP test for...

  4. No, it won't be on your college transcript because you took the class in high school.  However, if your school does give credit for AP scores, you won't qualify because it's below a passing 3.  So you won't be able to place out of whatever class your AP test covered.

  5. It won't affect your college transcript, it just means you'll have to take the class if you have to or choose to.  The reason why there are AP tests is to demonstrate that you don't need to take that basic college class.

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