
If I got on Mirena after my 6 week checkup, is it necessary to still use condoms?

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I have never been on birth control before.. do you still have to wear condoms? I can't exactly afford another kid right now =P

What is your expeirence with Mirena?




  1. Ahhh the wonders of the IUD.... no condoms! (Assuming you're not worried about STDs). You don't have to remember to take a pill everyday either.. how convenient.

    I have one in right now, it's been about 8 months now I think? I do like it, except I think I need my string trimmed, because he's been poked a few times. And whenever we shift around too much, it'll poke. It makes me quite paranoid. I can actually feel it myself when it gets like that too. I wait a few minutes and then I can't anymore, but the fact that I can in the first place... aiiii! I'm not sure if trimming the string will actually make it not poke him anymore, with it still being there and all... If I do get it trimmed and it pokes one more time, I'm gonna get it taken out. (Which I'm NOT looking forward too, it hurt a lot getting it put in! Cervical clamp.. *shiver*)

    Hopefully you don't have those problems, as I hear most people don't! Good luck!

  2. i am due to get the mirena at the end of the month and the doc told me it works as a contraceptive straight away

  3. No you no longer need to use a condom if you are in a monogamous relationship and there is no worry of contracting an STD.

    I had my Mirena for years and loved it. I had an overall wonderful experience, once I got over the first few months and my body fully adjusted to it.

  4. You only need to use condoms if you are sleeping with more than one person, or sleeping with someone who has an STD.

    The Mirena is even more effective at preventing pregnancy than getting your tubes tied!  Aside from not having s*x at all, you're using the best way to prevent pregnancy that is on the market!

    I had Mirena for a year before having our 2nd daughter.  We were able to conceive her on our first attempt after getting it removed.  Thats a great thing about it.  It prevents pregnancy very well, but once you get it taken out, it doesnt effect your fertility.  Other forms of birth control can make it hard to get pregnant after coming off them.

    I got my 2nd Mirena after giving birth to our 2nd daughter, and have been using it for about 3 months now.  We want to avoid "surprises" as well, so we feel safest with this method.

    PS: if getting poked by strings is an issue, you can actually have them trim it short enough that they go up into your uterus and cant be felt.  That happened accidently with my 1st one.  The downside is, you're supposed to check and feel for the strings, to make sure your IUD is still in place.  But seriously... I think most people would notice if their IUD appeared in their underwear, or plopped into the toilet.

  5. No need to use condoms at all once it is inserted.  You can have s*x as soon as you walk out of the office if you want to.  It's not like the pill.

  6. I have never taken Mirena, I have been on Ovcon and some patches before. You still need to use condoms. I have two kids.

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