
If I gulp a rock star drink will i get energy?

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If I gulp a rock star drink will i get energy?




  1. its so full of sugar, so you will feel a weak/shakey/tired crash in like 20 minutes. Get one of those 5 hour energy shots (quicktrip) they are great!!!

  2. prob a sgar rush and indigestion!!!

  3. Yes, but for a while only.

    Like with most enery drinks Rock Star is full of sugar. Much more than a soda. So you will get sugar rush and then crash. It also has a ton of caffeine. Though caffeine is a stimulant and can last for at least 4 hours it also takes more water to process than a caffeinated beverage contains. This means it dehydrates you. When dehydrated we become tired and lethargic. So this means that the caffeine will actually intensify the sugar crash.

    Now if you offset the caffeine with at least an equal amount of water as energy drink then you will be fine. The extra water will offset the additinal water needed by the caffeine and depending on the caffeine levels and water taken will hydrate you more. Proper hydration will increase motabolism and energy levels by 3%. Also it is possible to not notice the sugar crash much if you are properly hydrated. The water and caffeine will keep you going through the sugar crash.

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