
If I had something that wasn't quite a book but like a study pack with notecards that I wanted published..?

by  |  earlier

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How do I go about doing that? It is geared towards a very specific group of people. There are many bookstores online that are geared towards this group but they don't carry anything quite like this. So what steps do I need to take to get it published? I am already working on the design/layout of the cards and what the include etc.




  1. it matter how small like business cards then you can actually go to a local business card maker

  2. Well, how about sending it to a publisher that publishes school supply books. You could also try selling it to schools when it's published.

  3. Idont no,

  4. You are the author, so you have to contact a few publishers. Some might take interest, some might not. Some will pay you better some won't.

    Just evaluate their offers, however, publishing is a high risk business and therefore they don't bid much money on new writers & materials that they might think of least singificance to the target market.

    Listen to their advise as well, it might help you to improve on whatever you are working on.

    All the best in your errands

  5. Good luck Fez, can you send a summary ?

    Thanks a lot.

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