
If I had <span title="a...........................?">a...........................</span>

by  |  earlier

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If I have a bowling ball and a golf ball, and i'm standing on top of the sears tower and the sears tower is on top of the moon. If I were to drop the bowling ball and golf ball at the same time, which will drop first????




  1. they would drop at the same time silly if you let go of them at the same time, they would also hit the ground at the same time because gravity is the same

  2. They&#039;d land at the same time if you were on earth. but on the moon with it being less gravity and wot not i really am not sure. why do u need to know?  

  3. same time - not one before the other - theyd hit at the same time.

  4. same time.

  5. Walt Disney

  6. They would still hit at the same time, though it would take 6 times as long for them to reach the ground, because the moon has 1/6 the gravitational pull that the Earth has.

  7. if you did this one earth, the golf ball would encounter more resistance than the golf ball, and the golf ball would hit first. that is why a piece of paper takes longer to fall than a rock. in space there is no air to create resistance, so they would hit at the same if dropped on the moon. the would travel slower because the gravity on the moon is less (.6 that of earth i think)

  8. your head the bowling ball

  9. The golf ball would reach the bottom before the bowling ball.

  10. at the same time

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