
If I have A postive blood, and my babies dad has A postive blood. What would my child's blood type?

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If I have A postive blood, and my babies dad has A postive blood. What would my child's blood type?




  1. there is a 50/50 chance that your baby could have a+  i have o- and her dad has o+ and she is o+ look into your family's blood types and see if there are any o- people because my mom and dad are both o+  

  2. it will be A or O  

  3. I agree with Bizz, Either A or O

    Everyone carries a recessive O gene, so there is always a possibility of having an O child.

    I am A-, My hubby is B+, Our daughter is O+

  4. Based on a pundent square you have a 3 in four chance of a+ and 1 in 4 of A-

  5. Pretty certain a baby must be born with the same blood type of one parent.  Seems to me your baby will also have A+.

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