
If I have a friend that I never really talk to or don't know much about, is it always a good idea to...?

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Ask her out on a date if she's not busy with anything?

I have a wonderful friend named Laura. I asked her out on a date earlier today on her MySpace because I don't know her very well. I know the worst I can get is a rejection. But is it always okay to ask someone out on a date so you can get to know them better if you don't know them very well to begin with?




  1. You are exactly right!  The worst thing that she can say is no. If you keep that in mind all will be ok.

    You never know!  I actually met my husband on myspace.  

  2. Knock ! Knock ! .....and the doors of heaven will open....for those who seek...!!!

    Willing Buyer willing Seller....!!!

    No Pain No Gain....!!!

    Asked and you be GIVEN...!!!

    Invite and you get an invitation....!!!

    Everything starts with a " HELLO" my name is ?? Your is???

    What do you do for a LIVING???

    Does this road leeds me to your...???? Heart.....!!!

  3. Perhaps this goes against the grain of eevryone's viewpoint but personally, I would hesitate to go out with someone I have not spoken to or seen or met before and who is practically a stranger. I believe in this case u have guessing.

    I as a girl would rather pick getting to know that person just a little bit more before he asks me out. It could just be a couple of mails back and forth...or couple of messages online back n forth. Or maybe a hello phonecall. Just a little warm up b4 he asks me out.

    But you have already asked her out so there's no turning back now. I still admire ur initiative! Good going. Wish u luck, and hope you get to go out on a great date with her.  

  4. Of coarse it is. What better way to get to know her better.

  5. It is the perfect way to get to know a person better so go ahead and ask her out.  Like you said the worst thing she can do is say no.

  6. You're completely on the ball.  The whole point of dating someone is to get to know someone.  

    Clearly, you feel some sort of attraction to Laura, so I don't see the harm in asking her on a date.  

    If you were really good friends with Laura and knew her on a friendship level, it might be more difficult to date them.  It's hard to make that transition from friend to date.  So, really, I think you're in the best possible situation.

    I've never dated a friend.  I've only dated people I knew vaguely.  Granted, sometimes their personality didn't match what I expected, so things didn't always work out.  But, that's the "joy" in dating.  

    Rejection hurts.  But it's not an epic pain.  To avoid rejection, try creating a totally awesome date plan that no girl could refuse.  Ask around and find her favorite movie, musician and restaurant.  Make a date around that and she won't be able to resist.

    When I first started dating my fiance, I didn't really know him.  He was a friend of a friend.  We're engaged now, so it's worth it to take that risk.

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