
If I have a plasma ball can it make a Tesla coil?

by  |  earlier

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Can I possibly break the glass on a plasma ball it get a Tesla coil without damaging it? I'm trying to make something and that is the most important thing in the project.




  1. No...Tesla coils work with much greater voltage which require larger components, large capacitor's, spark gaps, coil, etc...

    I answer assuming you want the large lightening bolts that are characteristic of  Tesla coils...and not just a low voltage replica which technically uses the same resonant capacitive inductive concepts...

  2. you don't have to break the glass.

    they will come apart and you could remove the high voltage generator without breaking anything,

    but they are not very high voltage power supplies.

    if you need a Tesla coil, you need something different.

  3. in order to create (very) small lightning, it should be enough to cover the glass in alu-foil, or wrap a long piece of wire (without isolation) around it. if you touch the foil or metal, there should be a small electric arc.

    i had a ball of 15cm in diameter and could create an arc of 2-3mm ni length. not much, but it was lightning after all.

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