
If I have a problem in my stomach (similar to ulcer) is the genger harmful for me to drink?

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I have pain in my throat and started to feel fever, I dont know what can I take to feel better without harming my stomach, specially my stomach with this problem is irritated from almost all food except milk, bread and some vegetables!! plzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me!!




  1. honey s-  If you are having stromach problems, try to not drink any carbonated drinks like ginger ale unless you have allowed it to stay open and the gas to all escape.  Soothing drinks might include apple juice and tea with honey.  Flavored jello is also good. If you did have a stomach ulcer, a lab test for the bacteria (C. difficile) would be best, and if positive, then treatment with the appropriate antibiotic.

    IF you believe you might have flu, then check your temperaure about every 4 hours when awake.  If it goes above 101 degrees, or lasts more than 3 days, then get to a doctor to have a Rapid Strep Test.  95% of colds/sorethroats are due to viruses which cannot be treated by antibiotics.  However, any lab, and maybe your doctor's office can do a Rapid Strep Screen which if positive would immediately be treated with an appropriate antibiotic to prevent and further serious damage by a Strep to either your heart or kidneys.  Best wishes for a full recovery.

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