
If I have a really bad sun burn on my leg, it's quite swollen and I'm limping, what should I do?

by Guest56490  |  earlier

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I went to a lake on Saturday and didn't get one of my legs with sunscreen. Now that leg looks much more swollen than the other leg. The knee, calf, and ankle are really swollen, and really red from sunburn. I also limp because of that leg. I know that prevention is the best strategy and that any type of burn takes time to heal; I was just wondering if there's anything that I can do to help the process along? Also, it hurts bad enough that I'm almost worried that the skin may tear off on that leg.




  1. Your leg sounds pretty bad. I would do anything that seems to make it comfortable and definitely make an appointment for the doctors office. If it continues to worsen over a short time period, I would really consider the emergency room. Going to a doctor asap could greatly affect the outcome for the good. You wouldn't want to permanently damage your skin. I hope you get something figured out. Good Luck...and feel better soon!!

  2. Get some aloe but if its that bad you should see a doctor because it sounds like you have a second degree burn.

  3. Just put some aloe vera on it and do something easy like playing video games.  Put the kind that isn't green because added coloring isn't very healthy.  Good luck!

  4. it might not even be sunburn. maybe you got stung by something in the water? put some aloe on it :)

  5. You might want to soak it in a cornstarch bath to relieve to burning.

    There is a spray called Dermaplast, I am not sure it is on the market anymore but it is very soothing. Aloe Vera does work as well.

    I think you should go to if pain persists.  

  6. use aloe vera or spray with benzocaine.

    if you get bad blisters, go to the dr ... you could have 2nd or third degree burns from the sun

  7. Nick,

    Soak the leg in a cool bath or shower or add cold compresses.

    To take the burn out. Aloe with Lidocaine helps.

    Take motrin every 6 hours (advil) it helps with swelling and pain.

  8. Put son aloe vara on it, you can find it at any drug store cvs, walgreens.

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