Alright there are 2 tats I want, 1 being the American Flag and Rebel flag crossed with American By Birth at the top and Southern By The Grace of God on the bottom, and I plan on gettin this on my upper back. The other tat says Rebel with the flag in it. I havent decided what location this is going on though. I was in the military before, and i only had 3 tats then, and none will be able to be seen in class B uniform. I would really like a recruiter to give me straight up answers, not some dumb *** who wants to run their mouths. Im not disrespecting anyone or anything like that, and Im not racist by any means. All my african american friends done said they got no prob with it, so if your going to be hatin, or trying to put me down, dont waste your time, or mine. I have always wanted these tats, but if its going to stop me, from getting back in, then I guess, I will have to get over it.