
If I have a seat mounted in the bed of my truck with seat belts is it legal in Michigan?

by Guest59087  |  earlier

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If I have a seat mounted in the bed of my truck with seat belts is it legal in Michigan?




  1. The problem with doing this is the liability that you would be facing and that is why many states do not allow it, just call your local police department and ask to be sure..

  2. According to Michigan's Government websites, it is legal for someone the age of 18 and over to ride in the back of a pickup if all the seats in the cab are taken.  Anyone under the age of 18 is prohibited from riding in the bed at speeds over 15mph.  15mph and under are allowed for special circumstances (i.e. parades, farm use, etc.)

    I could find no where online about any exemptions for a seat mounted in the rear.

    Many of the states that I have lived in allowed riding in the bed of a truck provided the seats were bolted to the bed, and that the belts were also bolted to the bed as well and were worn by the occupants.

    If you are in Michigan and over 18, it appears you are legal to be riding in the back of a pickup according to the two state sites below.

    It would definitely be safer in a mounted/belted seat though!

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