
If I have a tattoo and lose weight will it distort the tattoo?

by  |  earlier

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I'm getting a tattoo on my right forearm and I'm trying to lose weight right now but it's not a lot (maybe 20 lbs). Do you think it will seriously distort the tattoo? My arms aren't big or flabby so I don't think they will change a lot as I'm losing weight.




  1. If you have a lot of muscle and the tatoo is really big .. it might change it just a little .. but overall .. it should be ok. Try to keep your arms tones with some weights while you are dieting and it should stay sharp and clear.

  2. forarms shouldn't be a problem i mean unless you're gonna be doing some weights to buff them up lol other than that you should be fine.Esp if you're not concentrating on that area you know. Its like when you're just doing sit ups you'll tone you're abs but don't expect to tone you're calfs. So yea go for it plus when you go to the tat parolor then can reassure you there too. And i agree with inkdevie stand up for what you believe some people are way negative on this site! Trying to intervene on people as if they're out to save the world. Good luck let me know how it turns out.

  3. You should have no problems with it. It's not like your getting an octopus around your belly button, only to get pregnant later on. :)

    The arms shouldn't change much with your weight loss, but if you have concerns let your artist know that you plan on losing some weight and have them position the piece a little differently so that it follows the structure of your arm.

    p.s. good for you for standing up for your stars! People get too judgemental when it comes to what people want to tattoo on them selves. it's YOUR skin and it's YOUR memories. and most of the time these comments are coming from people who have very few tattoos and seem to only want to get them for the trendiness of it, not for the self expression that should come with it.  I think stars are great, you can pretty much incorporate anything you want into them later down the road.  

  4. It will distort if you are getting detail. Even though your arms are not flabby losing 20lbs is a big difference and will tighten your skin. It all depends on what you are getting. Size and detail..

  5. oh i think that there won't be problems with your tattoo!

    im curios what are you gonna get tattooed?



  6. You should be good.

  7. People don't carry a lot of weight on their forearms, so it's not likely that losing just 20 lbs is going to affect your tattoo at all.  And don't ever let anyone mock your tattoo, I have a dolphin, and although everyone calls it typical, it's very special to me for reasons only my closest friends know.

  8. you'll be fine :)

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