
If I have an "address" in Alabama, could I go to college in AL for in-state tuition?

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Even if I have been attending school in Georgia for in-state tuition?

I know you're supposed to live there for some amount of time, but could I just SAY I've been living there (I have grandparents there and could use their address)?




  1. That has been tried about a million times, and trust me, it wont work.  

    On the admission application you are asked if you have ever been to any other college before and then you sign it saying it is true and correct.  If you lie, when they look you up (there are several national databases) it will show you have attended out of state and you could possibly face being denied admission for lying.  Yes, they have a right to check it... rememer you signed the form allowing them to..

  2. you could do that.

    but they usually ask for your drivers license number on the applications to prove you've actually been a resident.

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